Page reload

Immediately you change any filter, the Research Grants System's _page reload_ process will begin.

uri/../images/reload-pending.pngFirst this indicator will appear, and count down the seconds until the page will reload. If you want to change another filter, doing so will reset the countdown. If you've finished editing the filters, you can click the *Reload now* button on the indicator.
uri/../images/reload-loading.pngWhen the countdown is complete, the _Loading data_ indicator will be displayed while the page retrieves and displays the new data.
uri/../images/reload-complete.pngWhen the data has been uploaded, the _Load complete_ indicator will briefly appear and then fade away.
uri/../images/reload-pause.pngYou can change the duration of the countdown by editing the *Reload pause* setting at the bottom of the page.

If you can't find the information you need, please use the "Get in touch" form on this page to send an inquiry to Cure Kids.

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